For all of 2024, I hadn’t produced a single new Mordançage print. This is mainly due to the hassle of trying to obtain appropriate amounts of Copper Chloride in Alaska. Not being part of the […]
For all of 2024, I hadn’t produced a single new Mordançage print. This is mainly due to the hassle of trying to obtain appropriate amounts of Copper Chloride in Alaska. Not being part of the […]
This winter marks ten years since I first picked up my camera for “Resilient”, a series that came to define me in a myriad of unexpected ways and truly redefined how I see myself as […]
Getting a tattoo was never in my cards. I had grown up hearing a never-ending stream of reasons, religious and secular, social advice and medical fact, as prudent rationale to avoid altering my body with […]
After purchasing five retro, low resolution Gameboy Cameras over the past four years, buying a homebrewed SD Card reader to transfer files, and hauling two Gameboys in my carry-on bag since 2020, I’ve been wondering […]
Eight and a half years ago, I sat in my vehicle staring at a stark landscape overlooking the Cook Inlet on a dreary and bone-chilling December day. I didn’t have a clue why this landscape […]