For all of 2024, I hadn’t produced a single new Mordançage print. This is mainly due to the hassle of trying to obtain appropriate amounts of Copper Chloride in Alaska. Not being part of the […]
For all of 2024, I hadn’t produced a single new Mordançage print. This is mainly due to the hassle of trying to obtain appropriate amounts of Copper Chloride in Alaska. Not being part of the […]
Over the past few months, I’ve been working on refining my editing process for my Gameboy Camera images, coming up with ways to recolorize them in Photoshop with independent pixel-based selections and digging deeper into […]
I closed out this semester’s final project in my Elementary Scanning Electron Microscopy course with not only a continuation of my Cyanotypes on Washi, but also with a set of proof-of-concept Stereographs printed in the […]
It’s been a while since I’ve created in the darkroom, focusing much of my creative efforts over the last couple years on my ongoing “Skookum” landscape project. Shot and printed digitally, I’ve been missing the […]
This past weekend, I finally found some time to explore a printing process that I had dog-eared years ago. Back in 2015, while producing test prints for my alternative processes course, I showed several methods […]